Friday, October 4, 2013

Liam's birthday party

Saturday, September 14th, we hosted Liam's 4th birthday party at our house.  It was a lovely, crisp autumn day, and from the looks of things, everyone had a great time.  We went with a superhero theme this year, as Liam is REALLY into IronMan.  We served "hero" sandwiches, and had SuperMan, SpiderMan, BatMan, and IronMan decor.  It was a fun day!

 Excited for his surprise bouncy house!
Thanks, Daddy!

 Tristan and Liam with SpiderMan silly string

 Slightly embarrassed at being the center of attention

Opening gifts with (from L to R) his best school buddy Conor (from Ireland), 
Wyatt, Hudson, and Tristan in the back.

 PiƱata time

 Reaping the rewards

 Boys in the bouncy house

 Sweet Eva with her superhero mask favor

Red Liam, Todd, SpiderMan Liam, and Geoff trying to assemble a helicopter with Bosnian directions